题目:Fluid inclusion applications in petroleum geochemistry
主讲人:Simon George教授,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学。国际著名有机地球化学家,多个学术机构的委员。在与油气藏地球化学有关的流体包裹体方面做出突出贡献。
8:30-8:40:- 1 FI short course Introduction
8:40-8:50:-2 FI short course: Detection of oil-bearing fluid inclusions: GOI
8:50-9:30:-3 FI short course: Molecular Composition of Inclusions (MCI)
9:30-10:00:-4 FI short course: Composition of early oil charge compared with current charge
10:00-10:30:-5 FI short course: Loss of oil charge: Oil composition in residual oil zones
10:30-11:00:-6 FI short course: Oil composition avoiding oil-based drilling mud
11:00-11:40:-7 FI short course: Oil composition pre-alteration
11:40-14:00 Lunch Time
14:00-14:50:-8 FI short course: Replacement of oil charge by gas:Oil composition in gas zones
14:50-15:20:-9 FI short course: Use and abuse of fluorescence colours
15:20-15:50:-10 FI short course: Oil inclusions on secondary migration pathways
15:50-16:00:-11 FI short course Wrap-up